The M241 Logic Controller can be operated externally by the following:
oa hardware Run/Stop switch
oa Run/Stop operation by a dedicated digital input, defined in the software configuration (For more information, refer to Embedded I/Os Configuration.)
oan EcoStruxure Machine Expert software command.
The M241 Logic Controller has a Run/Stop hardware switch, which puts the controller in a RUN or STOP state.
The interaction of the 2 external operators on the controller state behavior is summarized in the table below:
Embedded hardware Run/Stop switch |
Switch on Stop |
Stop to Run transition |
Switch on Run |
Software configurable Run/Stop digital input |
None |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
Commands a transition to RUN state1. |
Allows external Run/Stop commands. |
State 0 |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
Rising edge |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
Commands a transition to RUN state1. |
Commands a transition to RUN state. |
State 1 |
STOP Ignores external Run/Stop commands. |
Commands a transition to RUN state1. |
Allows external Run/Stop commands. |
1 For more information, refer to the Controller States and Behaviors. |
oVerify the state of security of your machine or process environment before applying power to the Run/Stop input or engaging the Run/Stop switch. oUse the Run/Stop input to help prevent the unintentional start-up from a remote location, or from accidentally engaging the Run/Stop switch. |
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage. |